[Chapel Merge] Remove a bad linefeed from the file these tests us

Branch: refs/heads/main
Revision: 9c95e00
Author: bradcray
Link: Remove a bad linefeed from the file these tests use to check --version by bradcray · Pull Request #20107 · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub
Log Message:

Merge pull request #20107 from bradcray/fix-version-test-linefeed

Remove a bad linefeed from the file these tests use to check --version

[trivial, not reviewed]

The logic used by the tests in this directory (and others) to assemble
the expected version information requires that there be no linefeed
in the version.goodstart file, but one accidentally was added in

We could also improve the scripts that generate the expected output to
remove any linfeed here, if present, but we all know how my scripting
abilities are when I'm fresh, so I'm not going to attempt that at 9pm.

Modified Files:
M test/compflags/bradc/printstuff/version.goodstart

Compare: https://github.com/chapel-lang/chapel/compare/64195fcee22c...9c95e00be251