[Chapel Merge] Reduce printing of arg intents in list_view()

Branch: refs/heads/master
Revision: 5a64b3b
Author: vasslitvinov
Log Message:

Merge pull request #17485 from vasslitvinov/list_view-intents

Reduce printing of arg intents in list_view()

Do not print argument intents when list_view() prints a nested SymExpr.

For example, before:

207067  fn myfun[207067]:_unknown[54]
207066  def unknown arg intent-default intent x[207065]:_any[181]
207070  def ref arg intent-'ref' y[207069]:_any[181]
207068  {
729133    def unknown call_tmp[729132]:_unknown[54]
729135    move( call_tmp[729132] call( * arg intent-default intent x[207065] 3 ) )
729138    def unknown call_tmp[729137]:_unknown[54]
729140    move( call_tmp[729137] call( + call_tmp[729132] arg intent-'ref' y[207069] ) )
207079    call( = arg intent-'ref' y[207069] call_tmp[729137] )
548128    return( _void[58] )
207068  }

vs. with this change:

207067  fn myfun[207067]:_unknown[54]
207066  def unknown arg intent-default intent x[207065]:_any[181]
207070  def ref arg intent-'ref' y[207069]:_any[181]
207068  {
729133    def unknown call_tmp[729132]:_unknown[54]
729135    move( call_tmp[729132] call( * x[207065] 3 ) )
729138    def unknown call_tmp[729137]:_unknown[54]
729140    move( call_tmp[729137] call( + call_tmp[729132] y[207069] ) )
207079    call( = y[207069] call_tmp[729137] )
548128    return( _void[58] )
207068  }

where x and y are now printed compactly.

When list_view() is invoked directly on a SymExpr of an ArgSymbol,
the behavior remains the same: the intent is shown.

Discussed with the group.

Modified Files:
M compiler/AST/view.cpp

Compare: https://github.com/chapel-lang/chapel/compare/ff9b3a76ceac...5a64b3b7cdbb