[Chapel Merge] Make 'use's transitively private by default in dyn

Branch: refs/heads/main
Revision: 5c57fa1
Author: riftEmber
Link: Unavailable
Log Message:

Merge pull request #20713 from riftEmber/use-transitively-private

Make 'use's transitively private by default in dyno

Fix a bug where Dyno scope resolution would continue searches transitively through non-public uses and imports.

This contains a TODO for automatic testing that private auto-uses, such as for ChapelStandard, are subject to the correct transitive visibility rules as well. This has been tested manually but is currently not feasible to automatically test; https://github.com/Cray/chapel-private/issues/3830 might change that.

Resolves https://github.com/cray/chapel-private/issues/3805.

[reviewed by @DanilaFe]

Modified Files:
M compiler/dyno/include/chpl/resolution/scope-types.h

M compiler/dyno/lib/resolution/scope-queries.cpp
M compiler/dyno/test/resolution/testScopeResolve.cpp

Compare: https://github.com/chapel-lang/chapel/compare/086e6a7ecf15...5c57fa14e065