[Chapel Merge] Fix bug causing all elements in Locale.gpus to ref

Branch: refs/heads/main
Revision: 2cc2b97
Author: stonea
Link: Fix bug causing all elements in Locale.gpus to refer to the same sublocale by stonea · Pull Request #19784 · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub
Log Message:

Merge pull request #19784 from stonea/gpu_locale_bug_fix

Fix bug causing all elements in Locale.gpus to refer to the same sublocale.

This is to fix this failure: https://chapel.discourse.group/t/cron-cray-cs-gpu-native/12358

I was accidentally promoting the assignment rather than assigning to individual elements. I also had to update multiGpu tests to refer to first gpu as having sublocId 0. I also had a type in the worksharing tests (called locale.gpu rather than locale.gpus) and fix an off by 1 error.

Signed-off-by: Andy Stone stonea@users.noreply.github.com

[Reviewed by nobody; fix is trivial]

Modified Files:
M modules/internal/LocaleModelHelpSetup.chpl

M test/gpu/native/multiGPU/PREDIFF
M test/gpu/native/multiGPU/worksharing.chpl
M test/gpu/native/multiGPU/worksharingBasic.chpl

Compare: https://github.com/chapel-lang/chapel/compare/aafa02efed75...2cc2b97f670f