[Chapel Merge] Fasta version that buffers the repeated sequence

Branch: refs/heads/main
Revision: f43265e
Author: bradcray
Link: Fasta version that buffers the repeated sequence by bradcray · Pull Request #19626 · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub
Log Message:

Merge pull request #19626 from bradcray/fasta-buff-repeat

Fasta version that buffers the repeated sequence

[trivial, not reviewed]

This incorporates the repeatMake() step of the gcc # 9 version and does some
other cleanup.

On my Mac, this gives about a 12% speedup over the current submitted version
and an 8% speedup over the current version on main, with a gz size of 1134
compared to 1391 for the current submitted version and 1060 for the version on

Modified Files:
M test/studies/shootout/fasta/bradc/fasta-blc.chpl

Compare: https://github.com/chapel-lang/chapel/compare/6169e08d1b6c...f43265ea9a49