Branch: refs/heads/main
Revision: 086e6a7
Author: benharsh
Link: dyno: Fix a --dyno issue with nested classes by benharsh · Pull Request #20730 · chapel-lang/chapel · GitHub
Log Message:
Merge pull request #20730 from benharsh/dyno-scope-nested-duplicate
dyno: Fix a --dyno issue with nested classes
This PR updates the production compiler to not consider a placeholder DecoratedClassType DefExpr to be a field when checking for fields with the same name. This is now possible with --dyno
which will create those DefExprs before scopeResolve. The production compiler previously did not create those DefExprs by the time we checked for fields with the same name.
[reviewed-by @DanilaFe]
Modified Files:
M compiler/AST/AggregateType.cpp