Branch: refs/heads/main
Revision: 2277494
Author: Maxrimus
Link: Unavailable
Log Message:
Merge pull request #18612 from Maxrimus/llvmToC
Converting old redundant llvm tests to C tests
[Reviewed by @ronawho ]
First draft of llvm to c testing conversion
Modified Files:
A util/cron/common-c-backend.bash
A util/cron/test-c-backend.bash
A util/cron/test-gasnet.c-backend.bash
A util/cron/test-perf.chapcs.c-backend.bash
A util/cron/test-slurm-gasnet-ibv.c-backend.bash
R util/cron/test-gasnet.llvm.bash
R util/cron/test-llvm.bash
R util/cron/test-llvm.system.bash
R util/cron/test-perf.chapcs.llvm.bash
R util/cron/
R util/cron/test-slurm-gasnet-ibv.llvm.bash