Branch: refs/heads/master
Revision: 5c91b61
Author: daviditen
Log Message:
Merge pull request #17786 from daviditen/unset-llvm-prints-unset
Add a new default value of 'unset' for CHPL_LLVM
[reviewed by @mppf]
If CHPL_LLVM is not set and no suitable 'system' or 'bundled' LLVM is found
then CHPL_LLVM will print as 'unset' from the chplenv scripts. If it is
'unset' the build will error out with the message asking the user to set it
to one of the three legal values.
Signed-off-by: David Iten
Modified Files:
A third-party/llvm/Makefile.include-unset
M third-party/llvm/Makefile
M util/chplenv/